
The Opening Scene Of Donnie Darko

Media Analyse 

The opening scene of Donnie Darko Opens with Titles in an unusual font But mystery is added Right at the beginning of the film this is also added by the mise-en-scene because the opening titles are  with a thunderstorm forecasting to the viewer that something bad is going to happen.also the thunderstorm sound persist through out the opening of the film this adds a sense of confusion that something is not right as there is a thunderstorm on a perfectly normal morning where no storm is evident this connotes the strange shift of time as the sounds do not match what is going on in the scene.

The lighting in the scene helps connote real darkness in the film especial in the pan right in to donnie where there is a massive darkness over donnie face connoting there is an evil side to the charecter this emphasized by the echo sound and the piano adding a gloomy effect to the scene.The real sense of confusion is added when donnie is laughing when everything is so negative and somber adding real mystery to the film.

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