
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the production of our thriller opening  and starting media I have learnt and developed a range of skills in filming and editing. As a group we became successfully when using a camera to capture different elements of a thriller.
By learning how to compose a shot different shot types can represent and what using different shot types such Using high or low angle shots signifies the authority character. Close ups or extreme close ups help build a sense of importance on that object or express or show feelings and emotions of a character that help build  a certain atmosphere. For instance, in our opening, we used an extreme close up of the rand some note help distinguish the main plot of our opening.
We used editing software called iMovie on the mac very efficient .i had enough time to gain some experience when using i Movie in my spare time on the macs just messing around with footage. I had used the editing software in my own time however i believed during our opening task i truly became confident using the soft where .
. After using iMovie for a considerable amount of time may skill became enhance on the mac this mean i was confident using transitions that were available to use were simple and easy to use in our opening.
 When using the camera we learnt as we went along as none of us had any real experience other than the preliminary task. We made sure we stuck to the 180 degree rule when filming each scene as we felt this was quite an easy mistake to make. also  we ensure when using the camera the camera work not use a large quantity of hand held camera work as this did not produce a nice steady shot this is when i believed this was my expertise, as i came to grips with using the tripod efficiently which is why we produced high quality footage. 
Also while using the macs i came to grips with garage band which aloud us to create a decent non diegetic background music which ensured we were able to edit are media piece so it coincided with our music so i learnt to shorter segments music and how to insert heart beats etc onto our back ground track.

But through out the long winded process of media coursework i was able to get grips with blogger which allowed my self to make progress on blogging my progress through the media course .so i was able to upload what i learned/ also made it easy to upload videos which i had scene which may have inspired me with the planning and ideas of my media production. i got to grips with blogging things with uploading what i had done so far in my media course 

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