
Who would be the audience for your media product?

To start we thought that the certificate of the opening to the movie should be a 12a or border line 15 due to thrue nature and extent of the performance and what implications could be made including suitability aspects. ideally we would like our audience to be a younger range of the people because we think that they would be able to relate to our media production these days and as unfortunate as it may sound everyone past 12 knows or should know about what rape is/Stalking is also. A subtle contrast of sophistication and psychosis if they were ever to be one is what we were trying to portray within our stalker so we would expect our audience to be those who watch thrillers regualry or those just starting as i believe our plot is easy to understand but the true meaning behind it would only convey to those regular thriller viewers. we also make the media more   easier to watch  as we thought the age range 15-30 year old would not only be able to watch and to a certain degree empathise but also to notice the conventions and mechanism worked within the piece for a true appreciation from the audience. we were able to mock up a target audience by handing out 20 questionnaires 10 to each sex this aloud for us to gather a good range of information.we found that are ideal target audience were regular thriller watches between the age of 15-17 this is way he had to keep our classification of our film to a 15 so our potential audience could watch it.

·      We researched  in depth  film classifications that there are in the BBFC including  12, 12a, 15, 18, R-rated we then looked into each classification individually and decided on what content was able to be shown within each classification for our film. This would determine what age rating we should pass our film as and we chose classification 15 rated for 15 years and above. This was based on the fact that our film contained scenes of sexual and non sexual  violence,. Also this would guarantee that the correct audience would  be able to view the film. 

“Suitable only for 15 years or over
The rules on 15 classification are no-one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema. No-one younger than 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video work. Films under this category can contain adult themes, hard drugs, strong language and one use of very strong language, moderate-strong violence/sex references, and undetailed sex activity.”
i believed we worked well to fulfilling these guide lines as a lot of what went on was implied and there was only moderate sexual violence. so i believed we met the needs of out targe audience.

i believe we fullfilled the needs of the audience as from our audience feedback

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